The Digital Oltenia information event aims to connect companies from the South-West Oltenia Region to the realities and market trends regarding digitization, in order to improve their performance and increase their competitiveness.

Digital Oltenia 2023 brings together supporters and promoters of the digitization ecosystem at the national and international level, representative names in the field, interested regional actors, both from the public and private space.

The event provides the ideal context for communication, creating synergies and collaborations in order to develop businesses through digitization and brings to the fore the latest available opportunities.

Digital Oltenia 2023 is organized by the South-West Oltenia Regional Development Agency, in partnership with Innes Romania and takes place in the context of the RO-Boost SMEs 2.0 project - "Boosting Smart and Innovation-Driven Growth for Romanian SMEs", implemented under the Enterprise umbrella Europe Network, the world's largest business support network, through which ADR Sud-West Oltenia aims to support regional companies, through dedicated services, to improve their performance, capitalize on new opportunities, assess and manage risks in order to sustainable development.