The privacy of your data is important to us and we are committed to respecting it. As of May 25, 2018, European Regulation 2016/679/EU entered into force (details here, on data protection of a personal nature and the free circulation of this data (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR), a regulation that will be applied by all the states of the European Union.

Who is the personal data controller?

ADR Sud-Vest Oltenia and Innes Romania are the operators of the personal data that you transmit to us and are responsible for your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.

Data Protection Officer

At ADR Sud-West Oltenia, we have appointed a data protection officer to ensure that we process personal data in an open and transparent manner. You can contact the data protection officer at, mentioning DPO in the subject of the message.

Purpose of personal data processing

ADR Sud-Vest Oltenia and Innes Romania do not use your personal data for commercial purposes or to obtain financial benefits as a result of data processing, but process the data for informational purposes /promotion, but also direct marketing, where appropriate, to send you information about our activities and services or those of our partners/collaborators, such as:

  • carrying out information and awareness campaigns for the general public or certain target audience categories;
  • resolving requests / requests;
  • registration and participation in events organized by us;

We do not collect and process sensitive data about you: race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, life and sexual orientation, health, etc.

What type of data do we collect?

  • Personal identification data: name, surname, username, CI data, photos, your function or position;
  • Identification data of your company: name, Unique Registration Code, CAEN code, etc.
  • Contact data: email address, phone numbers, etc.
  • Technical Data: By using our website, we may automatically collect technical data from you, through the use of cookies and similar technologies;

Where is the data stored?

The data we collect from you is stored at the premises of the two partners:

  • 1. Agency for Regional Development South-West Oltenia, Aleea Teatrului no. 1, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
  • 2. Innes Romania, Str. Marin Sorescu, no. 54, Bradesti Commune, Dolj, Romania

How long do we process personal data?

The data we collect are stored and kept strictly for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or until the expiration of the archiving terms provided by the legislation for the various categories of documents.

Who has access to your data?

Your data can be transmitted to the directorates and departments within the two partners, which will process personal data exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the established activity or work norms specific to European projects. We do not sell or transfer your personal data to third parties, but we can transmit them in order to provide or improve the services requested by you, if we have your consent in writing or expressed by email.

What are your rights and how can they be exercised?

Right of access: You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold about you. You can contact the Data Protection Officer, who will provide you with your personal data by email.

Right to portability: Whenever we process your personal data by automated means based on your consent, you have the right to obtain the transfer of a copy of your data in a structured format commonly used and automatically processed by you or by another party. This includes only the personal data you have submitted to us.

The right to rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of your personal data if it is incorrect, including the right to complete incomplete personal data.

The right to delete data: Any user can obtain the deletion of data, if their processing was not legal or in other cases provided by law.

The right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data if you object to the processing based on the legitimate interest, if you claim that your personal data is incorrect, or if you consider that their processing is illegal .

Links to other pages

When you use a link to reach another web page from our site, this privacy policy no longer applies. Your browsing and interaction on another web page, including any page that has a link to this Site, is subject to that page's rules and policies. We encourage you to read the rules and policies of the pages you visit to better understand their procedures for collecting, using and disclosing personal data.


The security of personal data is important to us. We maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical precautions to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, use and all other lawful forms of processing of personal data in our possession.

Privacy Policy Update

We reserve the right to change, modify or update the privacy policy at any time, but it will not reduce the level of protection within it. We will periodically update the privacy policy and display the news on this page.

For any other information or in the event of a complaint, you have the right to contact the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing, based in Bucharest, Sector 1, B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru, no. 28-30, postal code 010336 or by e-mail: